Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Made my reservations for Canada

Today I made my reservations for Canada.  As I will not have any internet, phone or TV for about 5 weeks, I need to plan ahead as much as possible.  The trip should be very interesting (and I'll admit to being somewhat nervous as I've totally forgotten ALL the French I learned in high school!).

My reservations are in the National Parks of Canada and are without hookups most of the time.  I do have a place to dump my tanks about half way through, just in case I need to, and water most of the time, but power is only 15/30amps, when I have it, which isn't enough to run much .... light to read, and that's all I need.

I purchased a Parks Canadian pass, as there is a use fee for each day you are there, in addition to the camping fee (which wasn't cheap ... I am hoping the price was in Canadian dollars and I can benefit from the exchange rate - 75cents to the dollar).  As 2017 is their parks' anniversary, the pass will be free, but it didn't work into my schedule to go then.  The pass I purchased is good for 2 years (because of the free year), so I can go up into Canada on the "other" coast next year when I'm staying in the Northwest US. Win win.

The first week I will be in Granby, Quebec, then onto Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia (each for a week) and then 10 days in New Brunswick.  I debated on the order of the last two .... maybe I should have saved NS for last and just drove down into Maine, but .... we will see.

Unfortunately, I did not leave enough time!  My next reservation in the States is Chestnut Lake, New Jersey on September 7th, so the time I had hoped to spend in Maine will happen at another time. I can always come back, right?!  After I finish my "initial" tour of the states, I will definitely make some return visits.

I will be in New Jersey for 3 weeks, so we will see how far I get back north and east.

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