Friday, July 15, 2016

Gillette's Castle

Welcome to Connectict from ... 

It cost another $16 to get out of New York and across Massachusetts, but I made it to Connecticut for my week at Nelson's Campground for the SOLOs pre-rally rally.   Margaret Webster, our host, had trips planned from the time of arrival!

I belong to a group of solo RV travelers called the SOLOs (which is who I am currently camping with).  It is part of the Escapees RV group.  I actually belong to several single/solo groups, but this is the one I am with this week.

 We went to Gillette's Castle in the afternoon.  We arrived somewhat late, so didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked, but it was very interesting.  William Gillette was a very talented man ..... he took the Sherlock Holmes books and made them into plays, and was the first person to portray the famous detective, while also directing the plays.  He became a very wealthy person from his acting career and built this castle.  Unfortunately, his wife died when they were in their late 20's and he promised her to never remarry, so he lived there for 49 years with his 15 cats.

View of castle

Staircase to second floor

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