Friday, July 22, 2016

RV Boot Camp

Day 2 of RV Boot Camp.  One more to go!

I don't know if I'm disappointed in the class or feeling good about myself .... I spent 5 years preparing for this lifestyle .... researching, attending seminars, going to rallies, talking to people and joining websites/blogs/facebook groups, and reading books (all of which I am still doing) .... educating myself on everything from choosing the right RV to balancing my load, communication, insurance, tires, batteries, etc.  I know a lot of stuff!  Don't get me wrong .... there is tons of stuff I don't know, just not the stuff in this camp. I am just surprised at how little "new" information I'm getting from the Boot Camp .... hence my disappointment (because it wasn't cheap); there just aren't any "wow" moments.

What I need is some mechanical ability and some lessons on how stuff works and what to do if it doesn't.  I have been sheltered my entire life from knowing "man stuff" by the two most loved, wonderful, handy and talented men in my life, my son and my dad, from having to "fix" stuff and consequently I am dangerous with a screwdriver and hopeless with a wrench.  Making it even worse, I have no desire to learn that stuff ... but it is a necessity as I travel alone ... so I need to "man up."   (ha, ha)

The weather has been very warm, as in the 90s, with east coast humidity.  As I only have 30 amp power here  (my rig uses 50 amps when available), I can only run one A/C unit at a time and none if I use the microwave.  It is fine as I am out of the coach most of the time except at night, just something I have to remind myself - pay attention to the total amperage in use.  I hope it is cooler when I get to Canada next month as I will be without shore power for the entire 5 weeks ... so no A/C unless I run the generator (ugh).

I am looking into adding additional solar panels when I get back.  It is something I have wanted to do, but have not found the time or funds to get it done.  I will be doing a lot of boondocking in the Spring, so I will need to get it done sooner rather than later.  There is a vendor here at the show with solar panels that are flexible (contour to your roof), don't require drilling holes and have the ability to capture the sun without raising and/or aiming them, so I'm definitely going to check those out.

The Rally officially starts on Sunday, so next week is shopping, seminars, entertainment, fun and meeting new people.  Loving my life!

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