Friday, July 8, 2016

The challenge of living in an RV

The challenge of living in an RV is not the square footage .... At about 400 sqft, it probably has the same room as a studio apartment, perfectly adequate, except you always have to put everything away.  The laptop can't stay on the desk; the toaster on the counter; the magazine rack by the chair.  You do have a "yard," but again, all that has to find a storage place as well.

The challenge is in actually "doing" things.  Take cooking, for instance.  You have adequate counter space to prepare the food ... but that is the same counter space that you need when you wash dishes, or use the stove top.  And when you use the convection oven, you can't use the microwave ... and to switch back and forth you have to find someplace to put the hot rack.  So it becomes a logistics problem ... you have to use the counter top before you use the stove; you have to use the microwave before you use the convection oven; and you can't wash dishes during the process.  And then the ultimate challenge ... where do you put the dirty dishes while you clean up the stove and then wash them?

The cupboards hold the items you need to live .... but if you want to cook (or do anything like paperwork, etc), you need to take other items out of the cupboards to access and remove what you need ... in the meantime you have all this "stuff" laying about with no place to put it.  And then, of course, you need to make it all fit back in the cupboards.

So, bottom line, the inside of my RV ALWAYS looks messy.  :)

But the trade off is .... fresh air, seeing something different, going where you want, meeting new people, experiencing life .... and reading anytime you want.

It's a great life!

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