Tuesday, July 19, 2016



My big day started out at 7am (three of us went - Margaret, Deb and I) with a train ride from New Haven Central Station into Grand Central Station.  The ride took about 1 1/2 hours. The train was great; it was clean and comfortable.  There were about 14 cars on the train, with 2 being designated as "quite" cars and no cell phone use was permitted.  The restrooms at the station were very clean and well cared for, as were the restrooms at Grand Central, and were pleasant to use.

I did not get a chance to take any pictures or to look around Grand Central Station, but it looked like a fabulous building.  I was sorry to miss that opportunity. The ceiling was done to look like the evening sky, complete with constellations.

Here is a snap of my first Metro card for the subway!

The subways, however, were not as clean.  From Grand Central Station we took a subway to the 9/11 Memorial.  It was standing room only on the subway, but the people were very friendly and helpful.  I did not encounter one rude person on my entire NY adventure.

When we got off the subway I was able to take a picture of the new World Trade Center building before we went into the museum.

The museum itself was very well done.  The people at the memorial were very subdued, including the children; there was a kind of hush over the entire experience.  I couldn't help thinking about all the destruction, death, and terror Europe and other parts of the world have endured over the centuries ... this was basically the first "war" attack we have had on our own soil. The entire time in the memorial was very emotional, and I was brought to tears several times.  There are several places in the museum where the names of the victims, both written and spoken, are given.  Recordings of calls and recollections are played as your tour the wreckage as well.

Infinity pool outside the museum with the names of the victims

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