Monday, August 1, 2016

Granby, QC

Today I took a drive south to Sutton, about an hour away. It was a nice little town.  I was surprised by the amount of fire wood everyone has stockpiled, but then remembered it snows here.  I did learn today that Montreal has a couple of weeks in January where it warms up and melts some of the snow, then freezes again, which sometimes causes flooding and power outages.  They recently had an outage that lasted 6 weeks.  Wow.

Along the road back to Granby I noticed a Walmart, a McDonalds and a Home Depot …. Just like home.

Saw a sign for a covered bridge so made a U-turn and found this.  The man fishing in the river under the bridge turned and lost his balance after I took this picture.  Oops.

Gassed up the Jeep at Petro Canadian; a full service gas station.  She even washed my back window.

In the afternoon I went to the Granby Zoo. It was a nice zoo and a nice walk and very nice WiFi, so I had an opportunity to get some of my photos uploaded and check my mail.  

As always, I do not sleep very well the night before I move camp, so I was early to bed after all that walking and fresh air.

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