Monday, August 22, 2016

Enjoying retirement

Laid down last night with a new book and finally finished it about 5am this morning.  Slept a couple of hours, woke up because it was hot in the bedroom and couldn’t go back to sleep.  It started to rain, so I thought when it let up, I would get cleaned up and go out for a while.  Twenty-four hours and 3 books later it was bedtime again.

I need to sit with my feet up and a good book more often; I’m wearing myself out running around trying to see it all!  I told myself I wasn’t going to be like that, but I can’t seem to stop.  I have 5 pages of things I want to see while I am here; and I am only here a week.

When I get back to the States, I have booked longer stays at places; hopefully ….

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