Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Chore day

This time it was paperwork all day (except I did make a Chicken/spaghetti casserole for dinner).

I made some more sightseeing plans for tomorrow, and then I spent the day re-reading my owner’s manuals.  I think this is the 4th time I’ve been through them in their entirety and I still saw a couple of things I had forgotten or missed.

For instance, I spent 2 days driving around the Peninsula looking for DEF for my coach.  I am low and apparently this isn’t anything Canada uses. I stopped at every gas station and NAPA dealer I found.  If I run out of DEF my coach just shuts down; it is a US law.

In desperation, I called my dealer, who referred me to Winnebago Customer Service, who sent me to Freightliner.  There is a dealer in New Richardson that sells DEF, about a 3 ½ hour drive along the coast.  I bought twice as much as I needed (just for insurance) and paid about $15 for each 2 1/2-gal bottle.  You can pump DEF at Flying J for $2.40/gal.  Anyway, I’m good to go now.  I have to drive through New Richardson on my way to PEI, but didn’t want to take the chance on not getting there when they were open.

As it turned out, my chassis manual gives information on how to locate a DEF dealer when traveling in Canada.  Not thinking I was going to Canada at the time, I totally missed/forgot that section.  Sort of like, “when all else fails, read the directions.”

I think I will take a walk before it gets completely dark.  Here are some pictures I took on my drive ...

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