Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Klondike Highway

This highway connects Skagway, Alaska to Dawson City, Yukon.  The highway was built in several stages.  First from Whitehorse to Carmacks in 1950, and then from Carmacks to Dawson City in 1955. The final piece of the road, known as the South Klondike Highway, from Carcross to Skagway wasn't completed until 1978.  I am driving it from Dawson City to Skagway.

I was surprised to see all the bicyclers along the highway, all headed in the opposite direction.  There were dozens, mostly in groups of two.

Carmacks is at the junction of the Klondike Hwy and the Robert Campbell Highway, which leads to Faro and Watson Lake.  This is the highway I originally intended to take from here, but I've pretty much had my fill of gravel roads, so I've decided to stay on the Klondike and make a side trip to Haines rather than the drive to Faro.

I realize it's probably inconvenient for you to receive all of these posts at the same time.  I wish there was something I could do because it is a real pain to try to put these together days or even weeks later and sort out the pictures, etc.  The Internet isn't always available.  Sorry.

I'm spending a couple of days in Carmacks so I can catch up on some wash and some internet items, like this blog and my banking.  All is good for electronic banking, but you still need internet to do it.:)

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