Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Hope, AK

Hope is a quiet town wedged between the Kenai Mountains and the southern shores of Turnagain Arm, 17 scenic miles down the Hope Highway.

Turnagain Arm tidal flats boast eagles, moose, mountain goats and berries.  Unfortunately, they were somewhere else trying to keep dry ….

The Hope Library was having a used book sale, so that was a fun stop for me.

I mentioned when I first arrived in Alaska the state of the highway litter and the condition of the individual yards …. I’m going to assume it was the time of the year because I have not seen any litter since, on any highway, nor in yards.

I am not taking back any bad thoughts I’ve had about the mosquitoes though … they are cruel; the welt from the bite is almost a bruise, a painful one.

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