Friday, October 28, 2016

NC Zoo

Another beautiful, sunny day!  It's been in the 40s at night and 70s during the day with plenty of sunshine.  Lovely.

On the way to the North Carolina Zoo I stopped at the North Carolina Aviation Museum & Hall Of Fame.  It is actually at the airport in Asheboro.  It houses a myriad of retired aircraft and flight memorabilia.  Not usually my "thing," but since NC is the history of flight, I thought it only fitting.

On to the zoo ....

As I'm walking up to the ticket window, there are dozens of adults standing around, waiting .... I asked one of the employees if there was something I should know.  He said they were waiting for kids .... 1800 of them would be coming from the local schools for a field trip day. Oh goody.

The zoo is divided into two parts ... North America and Africa; each with their own admission and entrance.  Since I was at the North America booth, I purchased that ticket (maybe the kids weren't going to Africa?  Didn't think to ask.)  Not a big zoo .... a stroll, reading all the placards, took 1 1/2 hours.  None of the animals were "out" except the Polar Bear, and he was on his way back to his cave.

The elephants are statues outside the entrance.  The real ones were in Africa, I assume.

When I was leaving, the same employee said they were expecting even more kids tomorrow. I guess I picked a good day.

On the way home I drove to Cedar Falls; The first cotton mill in North Carolina was built in Randolph County in 1828. Cedar Falls "produced more cotton cloth for the Confederacy than any other mill" in the state.  I even took a picture of the post office.  ha.

A couple of campground observations today .....the camp site across the road from me is currently empty (when I got back), but it has had 5 different coaches parked there since I've been here.  No one seems to stay longer than a day or two.  I won't take it personally.  ha.

The couple on the passenger side of my coach are both gone all day ... hence the 3 vehicles they arrived with.  They must work. 

Lastly, the site on the driver side of my coach has been empty of people (a trailer is there) until today.  Three cars pulled up full of small children and a leaf blower!  A man has been out there blowing leaves off of the campsite for 1/2 hour so far .... what's the deal with that??  Now he's pounding something ....  Oh goody, now he's hanging lights everywhere.  It's going to be a long weekend I fear.

I spent most of the day planning my Tennessee excursions.  I think I will be staying around Knoxville for a couple of weeks, so I have trips to Knoxville, Gatlinburg, Jonesborough, and the Great Smokey Mountain State Park.  Of course, Dollywood in on the list; That should be very interesting!  I'll keep you posted.

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