Saturday, September 3, 2016

Day 3 in New Brunswick

Had some fun today.

I went to the Moncton Farmers Market first thing; the largest farmers market in southeastern New Brunswick.  There was very little in the way of produce; only two vendors plus one for eggs.  The market was more of a craft fair with a very large food court.  Unfortunately, I wanted to sample some of the favorites but the vendors only accepted cash and I’m low.  I didn’t get more cash earlier because I’m leaving next week.  I did walk downtown to a couple of banks, but they are not open on Saturday, so I bought a bag of fresh kettle corn and headed to my next stop.

Because they accepted my Visa, I did purchase some dryer balls from PEI and a pair of earrings.  The artist used “repurposed” materials (copper wire, buttons, etc.) to fashion her jewelry and there were some very interesting pieces.

My next stop was really cool!  It was Magnetic Hill.  You drive down to the bottom of the hill, put your car in neutral and it “rolls” back up the hill … at a pretty good clip.  I would have loved to do it again, but they charge $6.00 and it didn’t seem worth it….but it was fun.  You had to drive through a covered bridge to get back out to the main road.

After that it was off to Hopewell Rocks.  The “rocks” are bizarre sandstone erosion formations known as “flowerpots,” rising several stories from the ocean floor. When the tide is in, it is the highest tide in the world, over 14 meters.  When the tide is out, it is a beach and you can walk on the “ocean floor.”  It is really cool.  You have to go back twice to get the full effect, but it is worth the time.  They charge $8.00 admission, plus $2.00 each way if you want to take the shuttle, but the ticket is good for two consecutive days so you can enjoy the changing tides.

Tide is out and you can walk on the ocean floor

Tide is in

Next stop was Cape Enrage, a 150-year-old lighthouse.  It is still in use.

I had dinner – the seafood platter, of course – at the Tides Restaurant in Alma.  It has been a long time since I’ve eaten clams, but they were good, as was the haddock, shrimp, and scallops.

I took a drive to one of the local beaches, and found another covered bridge enroute.  This is the first one I’ve seen painted.

Found a covered bridge that was actually painted!

I have a couple of days before I have to move, and then I’ll have a couple of full days of driving, so I think I will hang close to home in the meantime.

I’m actually closer to Halifax from here than I was from Cape Breton; a three hour drive, but then I’m cramming stuff in again …. And my new goal is to take it slower.

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