Saturday, March 18, 2017

Welcome to Alabama

Since I have not previously been to Alabama, I get a new state sticker for my map....the first one in awhile.

Alabama: Enjoy this welcome sign while you can because

This campground is just about like the one I left in Georgia .... a stone's throw from the Interstate and a train.  The owners are extremely nice and very friendly, so it's a good place to stay for awhile.  I'm here 2 weeks, before heading to Nashville, TN.

I'm staying in the lovely community of Hope Hull, AL.  It's about 20 miles to Montgomery, a little longer in the other direction to Selma, and about an hour/hour and a half to Birmingham.  All three are on my list to visit while I'm here.  I have to drive into Montgomery for a Walmart or Publix; the local grocery store is a Winn Dixie, which I'm going to check out.  From the Piggly Wiggly to the Winn Dixie ... is that a step up?

I did finally get warm.  It is in the 70s here (running the A/C a little right now to cool off the coach to sleep); it's suppose to get into the 80s as the week progresses.

One way to beat the Daylight Savings Time spring forward/lose an hour, is to change time zones.  I gained the hour back when I cleared the Alabama state line.

I don't know what my challenge is, unless it is anticipation about the move, but even after more than a year I still can't sleep the night before I change campgrounds.  I slept about 3-4 hours last night and that was it.  It made the drive today hard, as I was really tired (not sleepy), so I was glad it was only a couple hundred miles.  I was so miserable by 3pm I just gave up and took a nap ... we'll see if I get any sleep tonight, although I am yawning. Part of my problem last night is my back is killing me.  I really need to find a Chiropractor while I'm here and get it adjusted.  Apparently, ignoring it isn't the answer.

Tomorrow is errand day, but Monday I'll be seeing some sights in Montgomery and will let you know what I discover.

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