Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Votes are In ....

Since mine was the only vote ....

After 16 months on the road, these are the current category winners :

Best Maintained Roads (without construction delays):  Georgia

Most Confusing Roads:  New Jersey

Worst Roads to Drive On:  Texas

Best Skyline:  Atlanta, GA

State I Liked the Least:  Missouri

State I Liked the Most:  New Mexico

Friendliest People:  Oklahoma

Worst Humidity:  Connecticut

Most Interesting Thing I've Seen:  House on the Rocks, Wisconsin

Best Suburban Campground:  Clermont, Florida  (I have no idea why I picked this one.  It was the same as any other Thousand Trails campground - nothing special - except I felt at home there for some reason).

Best Rustic Campground:  Medina Lake, Texas

Hottest Temperature Place I've Been:  Connecticut

Coldest Temperature Place I've Been:  Take your pick!  I have had several instances of 20 degree temps this past year.  It seems to follow me.

Worst Time So Far:  Food poisoning

Scariest Drive:  Coming out of the Great Smokey Mountains; trying to maintain my speed coming down that grade  (it was even worse/harder than the snow and icy roads I experienced last winter driving to Oregon from Iowa or the 50mph winds across Wyoming).

Heaviest Accent:  South Carolina

Most Remote Campground:  Cape Brenton Highlands, NS

Most Churches Grouped Together:  South Carolina

Most Churches Spread Out (but all the same):  Gaspe, Quebec

Most Diners:  Philadelphia

Before you start to question my choices, these are only my opinion based on the circumstances and my experiences at the time. 

It will be interesting to see what changes next year, and what keeps their category, as I continue my travel across the US.

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