Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Macon .... and around

Drove to Macon to see the cherry blossoms, but, alas, nature did not cooperate.  They are still dormant.

Driving around Macon was very interesting .... some of the streets are still brick and the mansions were just fabulous.

First, I didn't get a picture of the Otis Redding statue. It is in a park and I couldn't find anywhere to leave my car to take the picture.  Macon was his birthplace, as it was for Little Richard (and gobs of other famous people).

Some of the pictures I did take, however:

St. Joseph's Catholic Church
This wonderful old tree with the Savannah Moss ..

Sidney Lanier's house
Ocmulgee National Monument -Between the years 900 and 1200, an elite society supported by skillful farmers lived here.  They were part of a distinctive culture; still-visible remnants of their large town include temple, domiciliary and burial mounds, prehistoric ditches, terraces and a unique ceremonial earthlodge.


Later, when I was driving back, looking for dinner, I came across a "restaurant row." For a mile or two there was every restaurant you could think of .... from McD and Jimmy Johns to Outback, Longhorn and Olive Garden ... interesting to me was, there were no ethnic food establishments included, not even Chinese, and no BBQ joints; just the one Italian place.

Also, I thought this was interesting .... A health food storefront in the middle of these fast food establishments ...

And the interesting mailbox of the day ...

My very pleasant weather from last week took an immediate turn for the worse .... it went down to 20s and 30s at night, with highs in the 40s and 50s during the day, with an extremely cold wind and some rain.

I went into the neighborhood Piggly Wiggly, not because I needed anything, but for the experience (I had never been in one) .... the cashier told me that Georgia is BiPolar - that's their weather - warm and nice one day, frigid and rainy the next, which I have totally experienced since I've been here ... the funny comment she made was that if I wanted good weather, go to Florida.

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