Monday, April 1, 2019

Silver Springs, Nevada and surrounding area

Lots to see in this area, so I'm here for a week to ten days.  I'm camped at the Lahontan SRA.  You can actually park on the beach, but since I'm waiting for the windshield repair people to come to look at my leaking windshield, I thought they could find me easier in a developed campground.

My biggest worry when I replaced my windshield was that it would leak, which I was guaranteed it would not.  Well ... it does.  The first couple times it leaked was from snowmelt, so I think it has something to do with the weight.  Anyway, I'm sure it's a quick fix (famous last words, 😁)

This was some of my views on the drive down NV 95.

 I took a Sunday drive north to Gerlach (I think it was about 275 miles round trip) on the Pyramid Scenic Byway.  One of the things about Nevada Scenic Byways that I have not noticed in other states ... the road is a scenic byway for a few miles, and then it's not, and then it is .... like its only pretty part of the time and don't look at the ugly stepsister part.  I just think it's funny.

Anyway, the lake is beautiful.  It is a deep turquoise color.

  Gerlach is known for it's proximity to the Black Rock Desert and gateway town to the famous Buring Man event.
Empire Mining Co gypsum (it's shipped to companies that make fertilizer and cement).

Sparks, Nevada was a small surprise.  I expected it not to be the "city" it turned out to be, full of new housing communities and shopping.

This was the first time I've ever seen stop signs on the sidewalk, but they were plentiful.
Yesterday I drove into Fallon to do some shopping.  I was talking to the clerk at the used book store and we got on the subject of our reading obsession and our reading into the night because we're poor sleepers.  She had an interesting chicken/egg question I had not considered:  do we read so much because we're poor sleepers, or are we poor sleepers because we read so much?

 I still have the Reno/Carson City/Virginia City areas to see before I move onto Walker Lake, so stay tuned.

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