Friday, February 1, 2019

Starting my Arizona tour ...

I left Quartzsite last Saturday, saying good-bye to the group, and picked up my sister, Sandee, from Sky Harbor (Phoenix) airport.  She'll be staying with me for 10 days, exploring the Phoenix area, Casa Grande and Tucson areas.

While driving her around, I was able to see a couple of sights on my list ...

The Worlds Tallest Fountain - unfortunately, the fountain was turned off so we didn't get to see the "action" but the park was truly lovely and the day perfect, so it was a nice side-trip.
The next stop was "Unique Donkey Mailbox" in Scottsdale.  This was a little disappointing, but the unusual is always worth a stop.  This is the description I was given: Stay away from the back-end of a horse. If you've never heard that tidbit of advice, then you definitely live under a rock. A horse mailbox is absolutely adorable, but one can't help but wonder which "end" of the horse that the mail goes into. Certainly not the a....rear.

Next stop, the Giant Octopus Vase.  To decorate the newly-expanded freeway, the city of Phoenix placed giant pottery along the side walls of 51. A 13-foot tall vase with an octopus on the side can be seen zooming by on the highway.

In Carefree, AZ you can find the Worlds Largest Sundial.  At 62 feet, the K.T. Palmer sundial is the largest sundial in America and has been standing since 1959. This giant sundial was built to honor Palmer who created Carefree, AZ from scratch.

 That's all we had time for, but I hope to see more next week.  Tomorrow we head for Tucson, and then back to Sky Harbor on Tuesday.

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