Saturday, February 16, 2019

Lake Havasu City / Parker, AZ

It took me 45 miles and about 3 hours to get out of Phoenix, but I finally got on the road and arrived about 2pm.  I managed a couple of quick pictures from the road.

I'm here for the 30th Annual Western Winter Blast Pyrotechnic Show.  This is where the firework manufacturers show off their new wares for protentional buyers/orders for the year.  It's supposed to be quite a show!

Unfortunately, I didn't do enough research and I'm parked in the wrong place for the event.  I have to drive about 10 miles up the road to see the show.  Oh well ..... The show lasts several nights, the big one, of course, being on Saturday.  The "party" starts about 4pm each day with a live band and food booths and dancing, etc.  The fireworks show is about an hour from 7:30 - 8:30pm, with an on-ground display as well as a sky display.  It is like Disneyland without the class, but a fun time.

I did do some sightseeing (and since my mail didn't arrive, I'm actually here until Tuesday instead of leaving for Tonto National Forest on Sunday as planned) -

Arizona Death Star (Area 66):  Since the 1970s, the Arizona Death Star, otherwise known as area 66, was originally a shady real estate deal that some developers tried to dupe people into buying. Without utilities, building permits--let alone the promised incentives that the desert couldn't deliver--the developers went bankrupt. The only thing that was ever built was the 40-foot wide globe that was supposed to be a restaurant and nightclub.

Known as the Main Street of America, Route 66 has gotten more kicks than a tire. Arizona has the privilege of hosting 42 miles of the road starting from 5 miles south of Kingman. With many recreation sites and rest stops along the way, Arizona is a great host to the famed route.

Old Trails Arch Bridge:  Historical steel arch bridge that crosses the Colorado River that is used to carry natural gas pipeline. (I didn't get a good picture).

This is where I'm dry camping and some views from the road ...

Where I am parked is actually Azizona Trust land and I had to get a permit a few weeks ago in order to camp here. 

And there is always Parker Dam and the London Bridge ... and beautiful sunsets.

Only vehicles can cross the dam; 15 mph and it is very narrow

The housing is crazy ...
The traffic in town is really bad ... between the event, and it is a tourist town already, and the holiday weekend, and some construction  I wasn't able to stop and take a picture of the bridge or the mural showing the process of acquiring it.  I stopped at the Safeway after checking for my mail and the produce section was all but empty.

I did have one full day of rain since I've been here, and one more day is forecast.  All the rain California and Arizona have had this winter will be putting on quite the flower show in the desert soon.  These purple flowers are everywhere ...

Since I will be here an extra two days ... perfect time to get some chores done on the coach!  But then, I do have LOTS of unread books .... ha.  I'll let you know which one wins.

Take care and thanks for checking in on my ramblings.

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