Sunday, August 5, 2018

Whitehorse, Yukon

As I was leaving the campground in Carmacks, I had to wait for a couple of black bears to clear the road ....

Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures from the highway between Carmacks and Whitehorse because my windshild was covered in bug guts and there wasn't much room to pull over.   There were lots of pretty lakes, forest and wild flowers.  Really pretty.

I spent a day in Whitehorse before heading down to Haines.   I drove around, got a pizza, stopped at a great fruit stand and visited the SS Klondike.  There was an interesting film on site.

SS Klondike
When I started out for Haines I went 25 miles in the wrong direction before I got turned back around.  Apparently my GPS wanted me to go to Skagway first but I wanted to make the loop in the opposite direction.

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