Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Northwest Washington

Driving north on US 101 from Olympia ...

Port Townsend is a nice place to spend the day.  I stopped for lunch and took advantage of some of the street shopping; lots of gourmet type stores.  A worthy detour from US 101.

The shoreline between Port Townsend and Mt. Olympic is a beautiful drive.

Mt.Olympic Mountains ... a beautiful place to be.  Even if you don't take any of the hikes, the drive up to Hurricane Ridge is outstanding.

More shoreline

Cape Flattery, the most northwestern point in the lower 48 states .... the Cape is noted for its rugged headlands and crashing surf.  (the drive out there is full of switchbacks and rough road)

Unfortunately, I arrived here just before sunset so the second half of the trip down US 101 was in the dark.  I got back to my home at 2am! Also, there is NOTHING open for gas or restroom after 8pm along US 101, so beware.  I only saw about a half-dozen cars in 100 miles.

The map says to allow 3-7 days for this drive; I would agree with at least 3 days, more if you want to explore some of the towns a bit more.

Should have moved into the area for more sightseeing ..... next time.

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