Saturday, August 26, 2017

Just a day in Newport, Washington

What a beautiful day!  Sunny, not too warm (70s), with a nice breeze.  It makes you happy to be alive.

I have observed, and confirmed with many locals .... they have weird weather here.  The hottest part of the day is actually late afternoon/early evening.  And it may reach 90 degrees, but then turn 40 degrees that same night.  I got up one morning and turned on the heat; it was 38 degrees.

I was hoping to start the day with a visit to the post office, but alas, most of them are only open 5 days a week in these smaller towns, so I'll have to wait until Monday.

The next stop was to the farmers market.  I love farmers markets.  I actually purchased produce at this one :), along with a carrot cake and some hand cream.  You can always find good stuff at a farmers market.

And then a visit to the Pend Oreille County Historical Society Museum.  The museum exhibits in several outbuildings, showcasing the area's history. 

Newport is the county seat of Pend Oreille (pon-duh-ray) County.

Caboose - inside and out

Historic Washington Avenue, Newport's main street, is a nice walk; some shops display a plaque showing the name of the original business and its date; many buildings are constructed of locally made bricks.

After my walk and lunch at Owen's, I headed back to the campground for some Bingo and an ice cream social.  I didn't win, but it was a fun couple of hours.  I took a walk down to the lake and then headed back to my rig.

I can't believe I've been retired 2 years next month.  It doesn't seem possible ... it seems a much shorter time, and yet I've seen so much .... I'm truly blessed to have this life.

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