I drove down from Atlanta to Orlando .... in hindsight I should have made the drive in two days, instead of one. I couldn't leave as early as I would have liked because I had to wait for sun up; I learned early-on the hard way not to try to move the beast in the dark. So I got a little later start than I wanted, which put in the commuter traffic through Atlanta that I would have liked to avoid. By breaking it up into 2 days, I could have gotten to the campground earlier in the day and not been quite as tired .... but it was fine and all was good. 467 miles today.
After chipping the ice off the Jeep so I could hook it up, I left Buford at 8am with frost on the ground and temperatures in the 30's and got to the Florida state line 4 hours later, where it was 70 degrees ... and I'm in a pullover sweater, long pants, 2 pairs of socks .... ha. Time to start shedding some clothes ...
Now that I'm settled in the campground, it seems odd to see fellow campers walking by on their way to the pool .... I guess I've been in the cold too long.
I spent the first day lining up appointments for my stay in Florida ... medical, dental, eye, etc.
Friday I started out on what I hoped would be my last stop on the way to becoming a Floridian ... the DMV, which turned out to be closed on both Friday and Monday for the Christmas holiday. Oh well, best laid plans ...
I spent Christmas Eve afternoon with my good friend Nikki. We went out for Chinese food and then back to her house for a nice visit. Catching up with old friends is a good part of life.
Christmas Day was spent doing wash, cleaning the bathroom, mopping floors .... a fun way to spend any day. ha. I'm hoping to get in some sightseeing this week between appointments. Wish me luck.
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