Thursday, December 8, 2016


 Ironically, Carolina Landing, the campground I was in the past 2 weeks, is one of the few I have found that will allow washing  of your coach, so I was looking forward to getting some of the road dirt washed off  .... but before I could get it done it poured rain for 3 days and now with the additional mud it is even dirtier than it was before.  It is too cold at this campground to even do a "dry" wash, so maybe when I get to Florida?

I met a nice couple from Oregon at the camp ground.  They have been full time for 10 years, so Paul was nice enough to give me some pointers (like where and how to add screens for mud-daubers) and show me a better way to keep track of campgrounds.  We exchanged contact info to meet up again down the road.

I don't know how I manage these things, but I moved about 100 miles further South to Georgia, and it's 10 - 20 degrees colder than where I left.

 What a woos I am today.  It's only about 40 degrees out and I can't seem to get motivated to get dressed and see Atlanta.  I guess I have found the true meaning of retirement .... sitting around on a cold day in your jammies, drinking tea, reading a book, with the fireplace going and Christmas music on the iPod .... and no where you have to be.  I have the Roomba going to appease the guilt of sitting around.  Ha.

Today for lunch I sauteed, in garlic oil, some fresh shrimp and mushrooms I got at the market , added fresh spinach-stuffed ravioli (no, I didn't make it), added a few veges, and sprinkled some Italian cheese on the top.  Pretty tasty.

I finally got dressed, then had a couple of phone calls, so it was almost 3pm before I was in the car ready to go.  My first stop was the Southeastern Railway museum.  It was interesting, as it provided different information and displays than the one I visited in North Carolina.

From there I went to the 57th Fighter Group Restaurant - not because I was hungry, but it was on my list of sights to see. 
The 57th Fighter Group Restaurant is a theme restaurant with relics dating back to World War II aviation. Set in a 1940s European-style building, the theme is carried inside .... you have to walk through a "bunker" to get to the hostess.  The food was good and views of the airport and the sunset was very nice.

I talked to my waiter about the horror stories I have heard about traffic in Atlanta.  He is from Seattle (The West Coast if the Best Coast - ha) and he said the traffic problem is the number of accidents as Atlanta has terrible drivers.  Frankly, the traffic wasn't any worse than SoCal rush hour, and really better .... except the number of trucks, trucks, trucks .... wow.  It took me about 40 minutes to drive the 28 miles home.  I would not say that was terrible traffic.

It was cold all day, not getting higher temps than 45 degrees with a wind, and 20 degrees is predicted for tonight.

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