Monday, June 27, 2016

Feeling better and back on the road

Today, feeling much better, I set out to the Jeep dealer to find out why my tailgate won't latch.  As it turns out, a part is needed that had to be ordered from non-other than Portland, Oregon .... so I have to come back.  This is a little inconvenient as, besides my tailgate "flapping" and being unable to lock the vehicle, my speedometer doesn't work because of the "tailgate open" error message on the display panel.  Oh well....

I took a drive looking at some of the covered bridges in the area.  They actually have an Ashtabula County Covered Bridge Festival in October, but the bridge drive is marked and the tourist bureau provides a map ..... it was a very relaxing and pretty drive.  I'm liking this part of Ohio/the Country, finding it very pleasant.

There are actually 2 tours, each about 68 miles and a total of 18 covered bridges. They include the longest (Smolen-Gulf, Ashtabula; 613 ft long)  covered bridge in America.
Here are just a 3:

State Road, Kingsville, Ohio

Benetka Road, Ashtabula, Ohio

Root Road, Conneaut, Ohio

Another interesting thing I discovered while driving between the bridges was that people have small ponds in their front yards (unfenced - my California upbringing coming out :) ).  I asked someone at the post office and found that they are either used as a water source or for fishing (sometimes swimming).  I had no idea!  Here's one that was pretty nice ....

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