Saturday, June 18, 2016

On December 20th 2015 I left Forest City Iowa

On December 20th 2015 I left Forest City Iowa , headed for Beaverton Oregon , in my new coach with 159 miles on the odometer. Here we are six months later with a few more miles, fond memories and some fun stories. It has been worth every mile :-)

We celebrated the 6 month anniversary with two weeks back in Forest City Iowa taking care of the new vehicle warranty fun stuff. Kudos to the wonderful service staff at the Winnebago Factory ( Al Steen, Erik, Shane and the rest of their team). Not only did they take care of every item on my nit -picky list , they took the time to tighten every Bolt and check every seal and make sure that even the things I didn't know about were perfect. Thanks also to Lichtsinn RV for everything they did, and CDI 4 buffing out my tree scratches LOL. I truly appreciate you all.

On the road again headed for Vermont, with a stop in the Cleveland area and of course Niagara Falls. I'll keep you posted :-)

From Facebook:

Nina Vosough Continue enjoying your journey not only for you but for all of us still doing the insurance thing. Safe travels .

Stephanie Mente
Stephanie Mente Love your spirit! Both John and I are living vicariously through you 😍😍

Susi McLane
Susi McLane Now you are headed to territory I've never seen. Have a good safe time and keep us posted.

Nikki Reeves Beagle
Nikki Reeves Beagle Safe and happy travels to you, my friend!

Ruth Leet You go girl.

Anita Riley
Anita Riley Safe travels

RoseAnn Goy I love your posts and so happy you are enjoying your adventure.

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