Thursday, June 30, 2016

Scenic drive along Lake Erie

After running some errands and getting the latch fixed on my Jeep, I took the scenic drive Hwy 531 Lake Erie Coastal Trail from Geneva on the Lake to Conneaut.  Hwy 531 is also Bridge Street in Ashtabula .... and I had to wait for the lift bridge to come back down before we could proceed down the street.

In Conneaut there were a couple of nice beach parks on Lake Erie .... complete with food stands and boardwalks to the water.  The sand is course with rocks and sticks, the lake has a rocky bottom .... shallow out for about 20 feet before dropping off 7-8 feet deep.  The water temp was almost as warm as the air .... 70ish.

While sightseeing, I noticed that some homeowners build these little decorative fences on the side of their mailboxes.  Some are just a pallet, but some are rather original and creative.  Apparently they are there to stop the snowplows from knocking down the mailboxes.

As I drive around I am favorably impressed at how well-kept the houses and yards are .... with flowers and window boxes ..... and constant displays of flags (maybe just because of the holiday coming up, but I get the feeling it is a regular occurrence in this area).

Stopped for a pizza at the local pizzaria before heading home.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Barn Quilts

Barn Quilts -

As I was driving around Iowa I saw my first Barn Quilts.  Not knowing what the significance was, I inquired.  I have since seen them in Indiana and Ohio.  Here in Ashtabula County they have 67 and provide a tour.  The first one I noticed after I arrived was on the Blakesinn Log Cabin barn.

Barn Quilts tell a story; commemorate a family, farm or event; mark an agricultural enterprise; or simply decorate a building.  They are quilt patterns painted on a sign board and displayed on barns, covered bridges and historical buildings. 

The first quilt trail was created in Adams County, Ohio, in 2001.  Donna Sue Groves wanted to honor her mother, Maxine, and her quilting art by painting a quilt block on their tobacco barn . . .

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Holden Arboretum

Holden Arboretum -established in 1931,is one of the largest in the country.

2. Holden Arboretum Canopy Walk (Kirtland)
Not many people are aware that Ohio is home to an incredible canopy walk. It’s a breathtakingly beautiful experience—unless you’re absolutely terrified of heights, that is. The Judith and Maynard H. Murch Canopy Walk at Holden Arboretum in Kirtland, Ohio features a 500 ft. long elevated walkway suspended 65 ft. above the forest floor. (And as an added bonus, there’s an observation tower on site that takes you up even further up—so much further that you end up above the trees.)
Beautiful place for a walk, a day, or some peace.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Blakeslee Log Cabin

I drove over to see the Blakeslee Log Cabin. It was suppose to be open, but wasn't, so I didn't get to tour the inside.

At one time, every presidential aspirant had to claim he was born in a log cabin. Since more presidents have come from Ohio than any other state, it seems fitting that this is the place to find out what real log cabin life was like. Going on 200 years old and still standing, the Blakeslee Log Cabin remains on the very spot it was built around 1810. The one story structure's white-wood logs retains 90% of its original materials and design.

Feeling better and back on the road

Today, feeling much better, I set out to the Jeep dealer to find out why my tailgate won't latch.  As it turns out, a part is needed that had to be ordered from non-other than Portland, Oregon .... so I have to come back.  This is a little inconvenient as, besides my tailgate "flapping" and being unable to lock the vehicle, my speedometer doesn't work because of the "tailgate open" error message on the display panel.  Oh well....

I took a drive looking at some of the covered bridges in the area.  They actually have an Ashtabula County Covered Bridge Festival in October, but the bridge drive is marked and the tourist bureau provides a map ..... it was a very relaxing and pretty drive.  I'm liking this part of Ohio/the Country, finding it very pleasant.

There are actually 2 tours, each about 68 miles and a total of 18 covered bridges. They include the longest (Smolen-Gulf, Ashtabula; 613 ft long)  covered bridge in America.
Here are just a 3:

State Road, Kingsville, Ohio

Benetka Road, Ashtabula, Ohio

Root Road, Conneaut, Ohio

Another interesting thing I discovered while driving between the bridges was that people have small ponds in their front yards (unfenced - my California upbringing coming out :) ).  I asked someone at the post office and found that they are either used as a water source or for fishing (sometimes swimming).  I had no idea!  Here's one that was pretty nice ....

Sunday, June 26, 2016

I guess I'm getting use to this retirement thing

I guess I'm getting use to this retirement thing ..... because the family camping next to me is packing up to leave and I'm thinking "they just got here" .... then, duh ... the weekend is over.  LOL

Saturday, June 25, 2016


The northeast corner of Ohio enjoys not only one of the mildest climates in the state, but it also has a city (and county) with one of the best place names ever: Ashtabula. That word rolls off the tongue and over the lips. Once you start, you can't stop saying it: Ashtabula, Ashtabula, Ashtabula. Snug up against Lake Erie, this is one of the prettiest corners of Ohio. It's quiet, laidback wine country.  Oh, and about that name: it's a Seneca word and means, loosely, "There's a whole lot of fish in the river." Now you know.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Traveling to Ohio

It was time to move from my campground in Indiana to one in Ohio .... unfortunately, I had a case of food poisoning from a fish sandwich I purchased from Wendys.  As it turned out, it was better to drive this day than to wait, as the symptoms got much worse as the week progressed.  Four days later and I am still very ill and haven't left the RV at all .... which is a shame because the weather has been very nice with clear, sunny days and cool nights.  It would have been a great time to explore the area.

I have had food poisoning at least one before (high school - Jack in the Box burger), but I have never been as sick as I was this week.  Unbelievably sick ....

My initial impressions of Ohio - the price of diesel is higher here than any state I have been in so far; I have seen more State Police than all the other states combined; I didn't see but 2 other RVs on the road going either way (strange); good highway and not much construction; more traffic than I usually encounter.

Monday, June 20, 2016

What I saw today

Greensburg, IN -

Courthouse Roof Tree-

The first Decatur County courthouse on this site (circa 1827) was replaced by this one in 1860. In 1863 it also served as an armory, with troops camped on its lawn. In 1870, citizens noticed several trees growing from the roof of its 115-foot clocktower. Although there were as many as five trees at one time, today there are only two---possibly mulberry trees or large-tooth aspens, The courthouse was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1973.

Petersbury, KY -

Creation Museum

Outside this 70,000-square-foot museum are pavilions and gardens. Inside are exhibits that literally walk you though the history of the bible: among the highlights is the Walk Through Biblical History exhibit. Also noteworthy is the Noah’s Ark Construction Site. A theater shows movies that complement the displays.

Versailles State Park -

The Busching Covered Bridge marks the entrance to Versailles State Park.

Whitewater Canal -


Ron's Roost Restaurant and Bar for dinner ..... Great Chicken.  I got another dinner for take-out for tomorrow!

Voted as serving the best chicken by the Cincinnati Enquirer, Ron's Roost is easy to spot thanks to the 14-foot fiberglass rooster on its roof.

Traveled the county roads of Franklin County ....

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Getting back in my coach

On Tuesday, June 14, 2016 I drove back to Forest City, IA to pick up my coach.  Alas, it was not ready.  Funny, but Winnebago was waiting for a part to arrive.  Wednesday found me driving back and forth from CDI, the Winnebago company that paints the coaches, and Lichtsinn RV .... trying to get someone to "own up" to the bad clear finish on my coach.  CDI agreed to buff the entire coach and Lichtsinn agreed to reapply the protective.  The rest of the week the coach was back at the factory, but they were able to get everything done!

Friday night I headed to Indiana, spent the night at a rest stop with the truckers, and arrived at my campground in Batesville, Indiana by noon.  Of course, I had to drive right through Illinois without seeing any of it.  Have to make a trip back ....

Today, Father's Day, June 19th, I am spending the day putting the coach back together and getting it cleaned up, along with 3 weeks of laundry.  I am also planning my adventures for tomorrow.

Looking forward to more fun.  :)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

On December 20th 2015 I left Forest City Iowa

On December 20th 2015 I left Forest City Iowa , headed for Beaverton Oregon , in my new coach with 159 miles on the odometer. Here we are six months later with a few more miles, fond memories and some fun stories. It has been worth every mile :-)

We celebrated the 6 month anniversary with two weeks back in Forest City Iowa taking care of the new vehicle warranty fun stuff. Kudos to the wonderful service staff at the Winnebago Factory ( Al Steen, Erik, Shane and the rest of their team). Not only did they take care of every item on my nit -picky list , they took the time to tighten every Bolt and check every seal and make sure that even the things I didn't know about were perfect. Thanks also to Lichtsinn RV for everything they did, and CDI 4 buffing out my tree scratches LOL. I truly appreciate you all.

On the road again headed for Vermont, with a stop in the Cleveland area and of course Niagara Falls. I'll keep you posted :-)

From Facebook:

Nina Vosough Continue enjoying your journey not only for you but for all of us still doing the insurance thing. Safe travels .

Stephanie Mente
Stephanie Mente Love your spirit! Both John and I are living vicariously through you 😍😍

Susi McLane
Susi McLane Now you are headed to territory I've never seen. Have a good safe time and keep us posted.

Nikki Reeves Beagle
Nikki Reeves Beagle Safe and happy travels to you, my friend!

Ruth Leet You go girl.

Anita Riley
Anita Riley Safe travels

RoseAnn Goy I love your posts and so happy you are enjoying your adventure.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


The most common roadkill in Missouri. ... and there is a lot... seems to be the armadillo... Always seen on the side of the road , on its back with his legs in the air. The question begging to be asked is, do the offending drivers stop , move the armadillo and pose it before moving on?

My other stops today...

Monday, June 13, 2016

Visiting in Crosslake

Last night Uncle Jerry and Aunt Carole and I went back to the Old Milwaukee dive for dinner.

Today Aunt Carole and I ran errands in Baxter, MN;  went to Costco, etc. (about 30 miles away).

This is my last day here this trip.  Tomorrow I head back to Forest City, IA to pickup my home.  I hope all is fixed!  I'll stay at least another day to be sure all is in working order, then head for Indiana and beyond.

The weather here in Crosslake has been great.  We had a rain storm twice, a little heat and humidity, but cool and comfortable.  I understand, had I been in Iowa, I would not be a comfortable.  They have been having 100 degree weather and 100% humidity, or close to it.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Drove across Illinois

Drove all the way across Illinois and all I saw was traffic-stopping road construction.  I'll have to make a trip back to see the state.

Because of the delay in Forest City at the Winnebago factory, I have to make up time to reach my Indiana reservation.  I stopped at a rest stop for the night.

Visiting relatives

Aunt Carole and Uncle Jerry and I went to visit Aunt Carole's cousin, Susan Brown, and her husband Dan.  They took us out on the lake channel for a ride in the pontoon boat and then we had a very nice dinner and visit.

(Susan and Aunt Carole's fathers were brothers).

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Today was a lovely day

Today was a lovely day.  The weather was cool, sunny with a little breeze .... very nice.  I spent the day with Aunt Carole, my cousin Cheryl Bredesen Gallery and her husband Tim.  They have a really beautiful, peaceful home on  Hammal Lake .  The lake side of the house is all windows with a view of the lake through trees of various greens.

Aunt Carole, Cheryl and I went into Aikin (MN) for lunch at the Tuscany Cafe, then took a walk around town.  I could have spent a day there .... of course, they had a book store just calling my name.  :)

After we returned to the house, Tim took us on a pontoon boat ride around the lake.  We saw mother ducks with babies in tow, loons with babies on their backs, and eagles - both grown and babies.  It was wonderfully relaxing.  We headed back to Crosslake after siting on the patio and visiting until we all got too cold.

I was reminded that Minnesota exists to keep Iowa from Canada (or visa versa).  haha

It was a great day.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wisconsin Dells

Wisconsin Dells  (May 19 - June 2, 2016)

Very touristy .... apparently this is the water park capital of the US.  The traffic in town rivaled anything I have experienced in SoCal during rush hour!

Some of the things I saw:



House on the Rock - One of my favorite things to see so far!  It was amazing what Alex Jordan, Jr. did with the automated instruments and the music! To me that was far more impressive than the actual house, which was fantastic in its own right.

The Infinity Room was fun to walk in .... the floor gave at the sides.  :)
The beautiful automated instruments

I also drove to see the largest six pack -

I took a boat tour on the Upper Dells ... It was very pretty.

Standing Rock

Witches Gulch