Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Driving Around Vermont

Big Falls, North Troy
The area around Troy is lovely with the farms and small towns

Old Round Church, Richmond -

16-sided two-story frame building built in 1813, the reason for its shape is not certain.  Local lore says it was to keep the devil from lurking in corners.  Another suggestion is that 16 men each built a side and a 17th added the belfry.  A page from the account book of William Rhodes, the master builder, lists 17 workers in addition to himself.  But the most likely explanation is that it was modeled after a round church in Claremont, New Hampshire, where Rhodes's parents lived.

Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site, Plymouth -

In the early hours before dawn, on August 3, 1923, Vice President Coolidge, who was vacationing at his boyhood home in Plymouth, was awakened when a courier brought word that President Warren G. Harding has suddenly died.  By the light of a kerosene lamp in the sitting room, Coolidge was sworn into office as the new president by his father, a notary public.

During his five years as chief executive, Coolidge returned here for vacations.  Content with the simplicity of the house and its air of peacefulness, it was not until 1932 that he installed electricity and other modern amenities.  He was buried, as he requested, in the cemetery nearby in 1933.

President Chester Arthur State Historic Site, St Albans -

Smugglers Notch -

The drive was lovely albeit 25mph and switchback turns.

Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Park -

This is the only national park to tell the story of conservation history and how land stewardship has evolved in America.

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