Thursday, September 19, 2019

On the road again .... finally.

Well, do you believe it?  The Jeep is finally ready (still haven't heard from the insurance company!) and I'm hooked up and ready to head into Maine.  Three years ago when I was touring the Atlantic Provinces, I drove south from Nova Scotia through Maine but didn't stop until I got to New Jersey, so this is my time to explore the state.

Unfortunately for me, my "Maine" time was spent in Quebec waiting on my Jeep, so although I did most of the things I had planned, I didn't get to spend more than the day at each.  Some is better than none, so ....

My first stop was in Jackman for my mail.  My intent was to drive Maine Hwy 15 around Moosehead Lake.  I understand it is very pretty, but the postal clerk advised against my taking the RV on that road and I didn't have time to make a separate trip in the Jeep, so I missed the experience. I took the "safe" highway around and through Bangor to Baxter State Park.

Some beautiful color along the way
I still wished I had tried, but I realized when I started out from Quebec that I was a little "gun shy."  For the first time ever, including my first trip out, I was nervous/anxious.  It took a while before I convinced myself that, regardless of the challenges I've had lately, this was my chance to have these experiences and see these sights and I was cheating myself, so next time I will take that drive!  Yeah for me 👍😀

 So, my next stop was to photograph Paul Bunyan in Bangor and then on to Baxter State Park.

Mt. Katahdin (5,267 ft) Maine's highest peak
So, a little sideline about this picture of the mountain.  A local said this vantage point was the best place to take a picture of the mountain.  Of course, it involved 20 miles of dirt/gravel road, but that's the norm for me now, so no big deal.  When I got back in the Jeep after taking the picture, the car wouldn't start.  Dead.  I waited and tried; waited and tried and it finally started just before I was ready to hoof it to goodness knows where for help  ....

When I hooked up to the coach and got back onto the highway I realized there was a scenic turnoff to view the mountain not too far down the road.  Here is that picture.  Which is a better view?
When I got back into the coach after taking the picture, the coach wouldn't start.  Dead.  DejaVu???

It finally started, but that was to happen to me a couple more times, one of which I called roadside service to come.  I still have no idea what the cause is, and I hold my breath each time I start the coach.  After having to get a jump a few times, I had to replace the Jeep battery, so that part of the problem is solved, I hope.

Part of Baxter State Park has been set aside as a new National Park.  I drove around for maybe 80 miles trying to find the entrance to the National Park park but didn't find it.  They don't have a visitor center yet, so to get my stamp I needed to go to an information center in town, which was, of course, closed.

So.  The first week I'm back on the road, both my vehicles won't start, I can't find the National Park and get my stamp, I'm feeling nervous/anxious, I'm dealing with lawyers and escrow people with my  dad's trust .... not going well at all. At this point, I am seriously looking at how to just drive "home" to California and deal with everything another year.

Nope.  Not going to happen.  Everything from now on will just be another funny experience!  Right?

Maine Hwy 11 north to Fort Kent was a nice, colorful drive.

I had the privilege to be at the Milemarker "0" for Highway 1.  I do have a picture of the other end of the highway from my infamous first trip to the Keys some years ago (which involved a ticket, an almost daughter-in-law's former police brother, good-natured ribbing at the rehearsal dinner and a lot of money).  I'll take an updated one in February when I'm there again, driving much slower.

My drive from Maine to Nova Scotia across New Brunswick was a long day.  I had to get up at 0-dark-thirty and drive 9 hours in fog and wind, with a time change not to my advantage, but all was well and I arrived at the campground in Annapolis on the Bay of Fundy.

Now to enjoy Nova Scotia .....

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