Thursday, August 8, 2019

Manitoulin Island

OK, I took the ferry across the bay from Tobermory to Manitoulin Island.  It was an experience, cheaper than driving around, and a lot quicker.  If you are curious, it was $225 Canadian for my coach, Jeep and myself and just short of a 2-hour ride.  It was a comfortable ride ... a little early as I was on the first ferry (in order to stay the previous night in the parking lot) so we started to board at 6:30am.

Just like on an airplane, when the announcement came to return to your vehicles the announcer made several statements to NOT start your vehicles until the crew directed you to do so.  Everyone started their engines as soon as they got in their vehicles.  The poor crew breathing all those fumes!   It was an odd sensation to sit in the coach and feel the boat rocking underneath, especially the movement when we were docking.

I stayed on the island for 4 days at Stanley Park campground.  I was parked in a grassy field, but I had electric and water and I could empty my grey tank onto the grass.  They had a nice beach and the water was wonderful.  The island was pretty; lots of wildflowers blooming in the fields and alongside the road; cool breezes; beautiful clear water; few mosquitos.  It is a summer vacation island and the people are very friendly.  They have winter sports - ice fishing and snowmobiling as well.  Not many people stay year-round. 

They major recycle on the island, so all trash is sorted into various categories before they will take it.  Just like California.

This is Bridal Veil Falls.  As you can see, if you go down to swim, you walk back up. 😊

I drove 68 miles, including 7 1/2 of gravel, to get to the lighthouse.

On my way back from the lighthouse to the campground, I stopped in Gore Bay for gas ($75 Canadian) and some lunch.  I drove down by the marina and watched the boats while I ate from a food truck at Split Rail Brewery.   I really need to remember where I am more because I ordered a pizza, not thinking that their pepperoni and bacon are not the same as the US, and cheese is double or triple.

And when I was ready to leave the island, this is how I got off onto the mainland.

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