Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Upper lower Michigan Day 2

No rain today so I drove part of the Lake Huron Circle Tour and then drove across the state for part of the Lake Michigan Circle Tour, about 335 miles.  Of the three lakes, I think Lake Michigan is the prettiest; it has a color that the others don't seem to have.

Tomorrow I leave Aloha State Park and head back to Lake Michigan for a couple of days before returning to Lake Huron for a long weekend.  I understand the Tall Ships will be in the harbor when I'm in Bay City, so that should be awesome to see.

I know it seems odd to keep driving back and forth across the state, but I don't know of any other way to see it and not drive the length.  This is the method I used to see as much of Nevada as possible as well.  It is easier if I am also exploring the neighboring states, but when it is just the one, there aren't a lot of options.

So what did I discover on this long, hot day?

 Located at the Cheboygan County Fairgrounds, this giant ax head is about 15 feet long. It is painted red with a "steel" blade and a wooden handle that rises almost 3 stories into the air.    
 Off I-75 near Gaylord, the sight of a 30-foot beer bottle is enough reason to stop at the Big Buck Brewery and Steakhouse 
Lake Huron
 Forty Mile Point Lighthouse, established in 1896, in Rogers, Michigan.  This light still shines every night and the lighthouse is maintained.  Climbed to the top and a couple of the pictures of Lake Huron were taken from this lighthouse.  Those narrow, steep stairs are kind of scary.

The Tunnel of Trees drive along M-119 between Harbor Springs and Cross Village
Created by artist Tom Moran of Moran Iron Works, the metal sculptures found throughout Onaway include the heads of George Washington, Gerald Ford, Atlas holding the world, and an intricate eagle head.
 A stop in Presque Isle to see the lighthouses.  The Old Lighthouse had a very different living quarters than any other lighthouse I have previously explored.

Like I said, a lot of driving, but I got to see the state.

Tomorrow I hope to see the world's largest cherry pie pan.  Woohee.

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