Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Hay River, NWT

Hay River is known as the transportation hub of the North for its role in the growth of the NWT.

Although it continues to rain every day, the nights have been clear enough to see the Aurora twice.  Again, I haven't been able to get a good picture, but it was truly beautiful.
The Great Slave Lake is also beautiful (Yellowknife is on the other side, some 450 miles away)
And just to confirm that ravens are MUCH larger than crows ...

Heading South to spend a week at Banff and then onto Junction City, Oregon for three weeks getting some repairs done on the coach .... two weeks in Coarsegold before heading to Germany with Susi.

As I was leaving Hay River, getting diesel and air in the tires, two locals mentioned how excited they were that the sky was filled with snow clouds.  Their comment to my unhappy response ... you don't live there if you don't enjoy the snow eight months out of the year.  Like I said ... heading south.  ha.

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