Monday, April 30, 2018

Alaska, Tok to Fairbanks

Is this not the definition of "isolation"?

I left Tok on a lovely day - no "white stuff" and about 45 degrees.  This is what I imagined it would be like in April when I arrived, but alas, Mother Nature picked this year to throw her hissy-fit across the North American continent and left everyone shaking their heads.  I even had some bugs on the windshield, making me think Spring is coming.  And Mother Nature just keeps laughing at me .....

I did see my first Moose along side the road, but he wasn't very big and way too fast for a picture while driving.  I'm sure the next one will pose properly.  So, so far I've seen bison (buffalo), deer, caribou and a moose.  A bear?  I hope not!

There is a really nice rest stop between Delta Junction and North Pole.  I think it is Lost Lake, because of the street sign, but not sure.

Delta Junction is the end of the Alcon (Alaska) Highway and then the road becomes Alaska 2.  The visitor center in Delta Junction gives out certificates for completeing the journey and I intend to get one, but it wasn't open for the season yet when I passed through.  I have to go back that way to drive the Richardson Highway to Valdez, so I'll stop then.

So, remember a couple of paragraphs up when I said Mothere Nature keeps laughing at me?
This is now my drive.  The temperature dropped 10 degrees over the past 100 miles.

The sky here is different from what I've seen before.  The entire sky is white with clouds, then there are like clouds on top of those, and some on top of those .... it's really different ... like something artificial.

I arrived in Fairbanks without incident and made myself comfortable for the night at the local Walmart.  It was a nice Walmart, open 24 hours with plenty of RV parking for those passing through.  There were half a dozen of us parked for the night.

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