Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Cambridge, England

What a fantastic place to visit!  The architecture, the history, the culture, the intelligence, the fun, the music, the high-90 degree heat with humidity and no air conditioning anywhere, and some really terrific relatives .... awesome.  A beautiful place.

 Hatfield House - home of the 7th Marquess and Marchioness of Salisbury and their family. The Estate has been in the Cecil family for 400 years.

Cardboard boat race on the Cam River

The Polar Museum - The Domes

RAF Bar with the historic ceiling (and where DNA understanding was developed)

A phone booth now used as a neighborhood book exchange

Posting a letter

Percy Pig candy
A beautiful concert at King's College - J.S. Bach - was exceptional.

Just being among all this beauty was a treat.

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