Friday, May 12, 2017

Fort Davis and McDonald Observatory

Another beautiful day, weather-wise.  Not so, for my Jeep GPS.  It "froze" about half way through the day and I had to use Google to get me back home.  So much for the Service Bulletin and my $72.00.  Unfortunately, I depend on it totally everyday because I'm always someplace I have never been, so it's really annoying.  They have been "working" on it for the better part of a year and keep telling me it needs to be swapped out, but no one is willing to make the call and bare the expense I guess.  Oh well, I'll deal with it when I get back to Cali.

I drove though part of this area I went to today on my way to Big Bend National Park last year, but didn't stop.  Now I had the opportunity ...

Link to website
If you want to do the program they offer at the McDonald Observatory, plan about 3 -4 hours with the movie, the tour and the sightings.  There are lots of interactive exhibits in the visitors center as well.  I don't know what the elevation is, but it was 20 degrees cooler at the observatory than on I-20, so plan that into your stop as well.  Although to eat there was not too outrageous, I had the most expensive Diet Coke I've ever had ... $2.25 for a 20oz bottle.

Fort Davis National Historic Site - I begin my visit at the visitor center and museum for the 15-minute video on the history of the fort and then took a self-quided tour of the five buildings that are restored and refurnished to the 1880s and the other 100 ruins and foundations. Interpreters dressed in period clothing are stationed at some of these buildings during the summer months and spring-break (mid-March) and it was fun to talk with them.

I don't know why, maybe I was a scorpion or a javelin in a prior life, but I find the high desert to be the most relaxing and peaceful place I can be; just a feeling of being "home."

And once again I was close to the Marfa Mystery Lights Viewing Center, but, alas, not in the evening to view the lights.  One day I'm going to park my coach close for the night and see what all the hub bub is about.

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