Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Some boring stuff ..... and a map

Today's plan was a drive to St. Augustine, but since all of the planned activities are outdoors and the weather predicted is thunderstorms throughout the middle of the day, I decided to stay home and dry.  Oh, and the humidity is 97% .... gotta love Florida.  I have been tricked before by the weather forecast, so I hope it does rain (and I'll be vindicated for reading my new book!).

We had a doozy of a storm last night ... man the thunder is loud when you live in a tin can!  ha.

Thanks to the Farmers' Market last weekend in Flagler Beach, I made scrambled eggs with red onion and fresh mushrooms, in a warm tortilla with fresh sliced avocado and chopped tomatoes and cheese for breakfast.  Yum.

Boring for you, I know, but this is what retirement is all about, right?  Now if I could just squelch the guilt for not taking care of the current "to do" list, I'd be all set.

Now the map I promised ....

This is where I have been in Florida the past 6 weeks .... Sunday that pink line on the coast will take I-95 up to Charlotte, South Carolina, but this is it so far.

The orange is 2016; the pink is 2017.

I will definitely have to come back.  I want to drive to the Keys again; see more of the coast (both) and check out the Panhandle.  My current projection is December, 2018.

I can say that about almost every state at this point .... that is there is much more to see on the next visit ... except I think this will be my last stay in South Carolina; Hawaii I probably won't do again; and I think I've seen most of Iowa.  Of course, I will be driving through these states and will see more then (except Hawaii, of course Ha), but probably won't plan too long of a stay in either.

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