Honey, I'm home! LOL
This week I am staying at the Escapee campground Sumter Oaks, which is my official/legal Florida residence. The campground is nice and the people are very friendly and pleasant. They have lots of activities should I decide to stay longer next time ....
Here is the view from the front of my coach:
The trip here from the Orlando campground where I have been staying the past 2 weeks took twice the mileage and time that it should have. Of course, a wrong turn was involved .... and my GPS saying I was headed North and Google insisting I was headed South ... but I made it without incident (until I turned into the campground and couldn't make the turn!), but I am here.
I went to the DMV again regarding my new plates. The Jeep has been processed, but not the coach. I need to call the Sheriff for the inspection, which I haven't done, so it didn't matter on the coach registration either way. As Florida only has one plate per vehicle, I'll have to get a new plate for the front of my Jeep and coach .... something witty or profound.
After the DMV clerk told me I could pick my plate he found they only had one in stock (good thing my coach wasn't ready!), so here is my new plate ...
And then I drove over and got my new library card!
I actually started out the day with my annual trip to the Ophthalmologist. I called my insurance company for a list of approved providers and they sent me to Kaufman's Eye Institute. I have a change in my left eye prescription so I need new glasses .... only my insurance doesn't cover me getting them there ... only the exam, so they sent me to a place, Vision works, about 30 miles away. So, I drove back to Clermont to the post office, than off to get my glasses started. Come to find out, I don't have coverage for the "glasses," only the exam, so I could have gotten them anywhere. I treated myself to a second pair of polarized sunglasses as the generic ones I sometimes have to use (the kind that fits over and around your regular glasses) distort and make it difficult to see clearly to drive the coach into the rising/setting sun. Hopefully, my vision won't change again too soon.
After I got back to the park, I met up with some friends from the rally I attended last summer and we all went to the campground "dine in." They served spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, cake and iced tea. After dinner we played Poke-no for about 3 hours .... I started off strong but left with an empty purse. I'll have to buy some more pennies before the next game....
I had another one of those night where I read all night, unable to sleep, and then seriously needed a nap all day....and here I am at midnight the next night, after finishing the next book, doing paperwork.
Today, some friends and I went to Dade City to walk around the downtown area and check out the local quilt shop; then lunch, after which it was Plant City and the strawberries and ice cream at Parksdale Farm Market, and another quilt shop. We got back about 6pm, in time for meatball subs (we weren't hungry so passed) and the jam session, which was packed. I choose a book and left the music lovers to enjoy.
As this is a rare campground that allows you to wash your coach, I fully intended to do just that ... except it is now pouring rain with thunderstorms and I leave tomorrow.... onto Fort Wilderness, Walt Disney World, and Philip and Mandy! It's been a year and I'm excited to see them.
I know some people staying at Fort Wilderness this week, so it will be nice to catch up if time allows ... and then onto Peace River in Wauchula. While I'm there I'm getting some work done on the Jeep and looking at possible sites to lease for future stays and retirement. I do have to come back to take that trip to the Keys I'm postponing on this trip ...
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