This is a sample of the daily schedule if you're curious ...
Boomerville activities. Sunday, January 20, 2019
9am. Trash run. Double bag, please. Trucks leave around nine so get bags there early. (Trash only, no recycle)
8:30 AM. Cinnamon roll pick up. If you didn’t order any there will be about 8 extra...first come. $4 (or more) donation that goes to c.a.r.e. @ welcome tent.
9:30. Meet @ welcome tent to car pool to desert bar
Redberg. Cash only.
1 to 3 PM. Square Dance @ MS+Plus on Quail Run RD
3PM. Stitch & Bitch @ blue tent
6PM. 4 Fold Fun: 1. Funny Signs
2. Wine Tasting (bring wine to
3.Dessert Social (bring deserts)
4. Lunar Eclipse (starts around
7:30ish..full eclipse around 9:30
@ Norms theater. Bring warm jackets and blankets. If someone builds and starts it will move around the fire pit to watch full eclipse after 1,2, and 3 are done!
9am. Trash run. Double bag, please. Trucks leave around nine so get bags there early. (Trash only, no recycle)
8:30 AM. Cinnamon roll pick up. If you didn’t order any there will be about 8 extra...first come. $4 (or more) donation that goes to c.a.r.e. @ welcome tent.
9:30. Meet @ welcome tent to car pool to desert bar
Redberg. Cash only.
1 to 3 PM. Square Dance @ MS+Plus on Quail Run RD
3PM. Stitch & Bitch @ blue tent
6PM. 4 Fold Fun: 1. Funny Signs
2. Wine Tasting (bring wine to
3.Dessert Social (bring deserts)
4. Lunar Eclipse (starts around
7:30ish..full eclipse around 9:30
@ Norms theater. Bring warm jackets and blankets. If someone builds and starts it will move around the fire pit to watch full eclipse after 1,2, and 3 are done!
And here is a picture of the Desert Bar (an abandoned mine that runs entirely on solar power; open weekends only from 12-6pm). It's in the middle of nowhere!

And a couple of the beautiful sunsets this week:
The Big Tent officially opened today, so that's on the schedule for next week sometime! Lots to do.