Thursday, October 4, 2018

Took a drive ...

I'm still sitting in Junction City having work done on my coach.

It is unbelievable how much damage all that shaking on the highways up north did to my coach.  It didn't feel terrible when I was driving, other than I seemed more tired than usual, but the vibration shook screws out of my microwave door, my entry door, the bottom cover on my cab, the window shades, the shower doors ... you name it.  I had an entire list of stuff that just needed to be reattached!

And the dirt!   Plugs, outlets, lights, cupboards, bays .... again, you name it, was covered with dirt and collected some inside as well.  My air filter was half full of dirt!  Words are just not enough of a picture.

I won't be able to completely empty every bay and cupboard and closet to clean until I get back to Coarsegold in December.

As we were expecting some rain, I took advantage of the beautiful weather on Thursday to take a drive.  I had intended just to drive to Florence, but ended up all the way in Coos Bay and back.  It was lovely. I saw lots of sheep and cows and beautiful fall color.

Horsfall Dunes